It's extreme, expensive
and it's difficult to be vegan.
Veganism is a positive action to reduce harm and oppression!. It is not being part of a system that exploits animals. I suppose it is extreme, extremely compassionate, extremely kind, it's a good extreme.
I'll tell you what is also extreme, the horrific gas chambers we force the majority of land animals into. Extreme is impregnating a cow, stealing her calf and taking her milk even though we don't need to drink it.
It being expensive is a lie. The cheapest foods on the planet are vegan, beans, pasta, bread, vegetables and fruit. Plus animal agriculture is heavily subsidised, the true cost is very expensive.
It is not difficult. The thinking about it can be.
If you eat burgers, find a Vegan one you like. If you eat sausages, find ones that are tasty and Vegan. There is basically a Vegan version of everything, start your Vegan journey today. There are many links on this website, one very helpful one is Veganuary.