I have been discussing about our treatment of non-human animals with the public and people I know for many years. And during these chats I got intrigued as to how the majority of animals are kept and treated. Firstly the majority of the animals that end up on humans plates are killed. And for profit reasons they are mostly killed young, I've never met a farmer who would raise a cow for 20 years, feeding them, giving, them water, hay for sleeping and eating. What I have found is that they kill them for meat at around 1-2.5 years. So you can see straight away if they let them live a full life, that'll be around 18 more years of inputs. Chickens for meat are killed around 6 weeks, they can live upto 8 years, so around 8 years of feed, water, bedding and other bits. I don't believe there are any farmers who let them live their full lives, if they do exist, I don't see how they can make money. I'm not doing this to bash animal farmers, because animal farmers are just people who have been conditioned a certain way and are used to things being the same, maybe traditions, or a dislike to change. The great news is that there is the Grow Green scheme to help farmers grow plants instead of working in a system that kills animals. - www.vegansociety.com/take-action/campaigns/grow-green But the harsh reality is that there a lot of majorities that are within the animal farming industry if done to dogs, there would be literal massive riots. For example the majority of land animals in the UK are sent into gas chambers. Nope, that wasn't a type-o, animals are put into gas chambers for food we biologically don't need. We don't need to eat dogs either, but if the majority of dogs in the UK were being sent to death in a gas chamber then eaten, how would you react? Dairy is seen as this harmless process, but remember that the cow had to be pregnant first. One process is 'artificial insemination'. A scientific phrase for tugging off a bull, taking their semen. Putting an arm into a cows bum, then with the other arm injecting the bulls semen into her vagina. Remember we are not baby cows so no need to drink cows milk, and around 65% of the world is lactose intolerant. Now re-read how cows can be impregnated, for something we don't need. It's cruel and senseless. It doesn't stop there though. A calf will be produced and usually taken within a couple of days, so that the milk can be taken. Separating families, for what exactly, a taste pleasure. Cruel and senseless. The good news if your not vegan yet, this is your wake up call. Either you carry or supporting these processes financially, or you go vegan? It's a simple thing, just eat fruits and vegetables. Helpful website - veganuary.com/ The chats I had with people in the past made me realise that people don't know what is really happening and what they're funding. Now we can let them know the truth, the majority of humans on the planet are not baby cows, and are lactose intolerant. The majority of land animals killed in the UK are chickens, and also the majority of these are gassed to death, The majority of land animals in the UK are lowered into gas chambers. At the bottom of this page will be all of the other majority facts! Part of this project was to educate people and hopefully lead to attitude and lifestyle changes, basically get them to go vegan, so they remove themselves from this cruel and senseless system. Remember we don't do these things to dogs, all we have to do is extend that same treatment to all animals. They all bleed, feel pain, suffer, have families, but some people don't realise they are all the same in the areas that truly matter. People need to realise they can change, then do it. And eating animals is needless. - www.bertyjustice.co.uk/bertys-blog/thursday-post-healthy-vegan-diets-pdf-its-arrived This project used imagery and videos from several amazing groups, so thank you to them for all their amazing work. Keep going! WeAnimals - https://weanimalsmedia.org/ Million Dollar Vegan - www.milliondollarvegan.com/
AuthorMy name is Berty Justice and I'm going to add things here. If you like life from another angle, you'll love this! Categories |