The North Cornwall Vegan Fayre has a great line-up of talks this year!!
Bring it all back to basics. Animals feel pain and can suffer. We should grant them all a right to life, like we already do for cats, dog and swans. Carnism is getting in the way. We have no biological need to eat their dead decaying bodies, so what's stopping you becoming vegan? Take yourself out of the system of mutilation, death, separating families, artificial insemination, gas chambers and suffering. It's really simple.
The team from 100vegan and Bevegantoday have put together some amazing and helpful links to help people find the many home meal delivery companies with Vegan options. So if you have a busy life, a family member who needs quick meals or you just fancy giving it a go, these are for you. List of 100% plant-based (vegan diet) meal delivery services. With an even bigger list here at 100vegan - Their other useful pages are here too - Can I milk that dog? Seems like a weird question right. But in a world where people forcibly impregnate female animals then steal their milk, for milk we don't biologically need. Why would anyone milk any animal if we don't need too?
I have created free this page of buttons to help answer quickly and easily a lot of the common excuses and questions that get asked by non-vegans. |
AuthorMy name is Berty Justice and I'm going to add things here. If you like life from another angle, you'll love this! Categories |